I want to know: what keeps you up at night?
If you're anything like the majority of executives I've worked with, you're probably thinking about:
- How to effectively manage your team
- How to have the tough conversations
- How to interpret strategic guidance from leadership and communicate it effectively to your team to get their buy-in
- How to navigate the internal politics
- How to get exactly what you need from your boss to create results and deliver the best value to them
These aren't easy skills. No one taught us this in school. Good news. I can help you with this.
Why hire a coach?
You need to *confidentially* talk through specific issues regarding team members, that potentially include your boss.
You've read the leadership books and listened to the podcasts, looking for answers to help you manage your team and work with your boss.
You don't want to go to your boss.
You don't want to go to a peer.
You don't want to go to Human Resources.
You don't have a mentor you can turn to for help.
You're thinking: A year from now, I don't want to be in the same situation, dealing with the same issues. You want to move on and go after something bigger. You're ready to get unstuck.
You want to be seen as a LEADER in your organization. You want to be PROMOTED. You want to move your career FORWARD.
This is where I come in. We can talk confidentially about the work issues keeping you up at night.
After working with me, you will go from feeling stuck, stagnant, and lost…to a place where there's clarity between you, your boss and your team, high performance, and career growth.
Are you ready to turn "what keeps you up at night" into "what gets you up every morning"?!
Book a session to experience my coaching one on one and learn how I help leaders just like you.