Ep 47: Career Conversations – Empowering Leaders and Teams to Discuss Career Goals Effectively

Have you ever wondered how to navigate meaningful career conversations with your team? In this episode, we’ll explore the art of having impactful career conversations, both as a leader and teaching your team how to initiate these discussions. You’ll learn how to connect an employee’s past experiences, values, and motivations with their future aspirations, helping to align their personal goals with the broader goals of the organization.

We’ll explore the common challenges leaders face when holding career conversations, and why promotions alone don’t always provide the clarity people need for their future. This episode will guide you through the process of understanding what truly motivates your team and how to foster deeper connections with them through honest and strategic career talks.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • What a career conversation is.
  • Why do you want to have a career conversation?
  • How can you help your direct reports focus on their career wants and needs?
  • Why a promotion is not the same as a career plan.
  • How to understand someone’s motivations and values.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“As a leader, you have the potential to help people by investing in their growth and helping them understand what will make their work more rewarding and fulfilling for them.” – Elisia Keown Share on X

“Although a promotion is great to recognize performance and to give someone a new role and responsibility, typically it does not provide clarity on the future and what it holds.” – Elisia Keown Share on X

“Intertwining development with a promotion is not the right move when we’re thinking about long-term growth and long-term career planning.” – Elisia Keown Share on X

Resources In Today’s Episode:

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