Ep 37: Leadership Identity

Leadership identity, especially as you progress into senior leadership roles, is a journey filled with challenges. As you navigate new expectations and evolve your leadership style, some smoothly adapt, recognizing the need to shed old habits and embrace new skills, while others struggle to shed outdated approaches. Today we discuss the potential pitfalls that arise during this transition and explore effective strategies to navigate them. It’s not an identity crisis but a strategic evolution, honing the traits that serve you best and align with your vision of leadership.

Listen in as I explain how to recognize the traits to carry forward when it comes to setting clear boundaries and protecting personal time. You’ll learn how past successes don’t guarantee future ones, why comparing oneself to others can be detrimental, and what it takes to thrive in your senior leadership role.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • What traits to bring with you to the next level of leadership.
  • The importance of remembering that what got you here won’t get you there.
  • How to ensure you’re not doing work that you don’t need to do.
  • The importance of not comparing yourself to others.
  • How to set very clear boundaries.
  • Why you must protect yourself as an asset.
  • How to allow for flexibility without sacrificing your time.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“Senior leaders need to know that whatever skills, traits or habits that got them there may not get them to the next level.” – Elisia Keown Share on X “Past success does not indicate future success.” – Elisia Keown Share on X “To operate at the next level, sometimes you do need to outsource or delegate appropriately.” – Elisia Keown Share on X

Resources In Today’s Episode:

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