Ep 44: Mentorship vs. Sponsorship: Unlocking Leadership Potential 

Do you know the difference between mentorship and sponsorship in the workplace? If you’ve ever wondered about the roles these two play in career development, this episode is for you. I’ll share insights from a recent HR meeting, highlighting how understanding these concepts can significantly influence your leadership approach. We’ll also discuss the unique responsibilities and benefits of being both a mentor and a sponsor and how these roles can shape the career trajectories of the next generation of leaders. 

I’ll explain why you should audit your current relationships and identify opportunities to mentor and sponsor others. You’ll hear practical advice on expanding your own “board of directors” to include mentors and sponsors who can help you achieve your career goals. Listen in to learn how you can leverage these powerful relationships to foster growth and success within your organization and beyond. 

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • The importance of summer as a mid-year check-in. 
  • Mentorship vs sponsorship, and their differences. 
  • Roles of mentors and sponsors. 
  • Why senior leaders should audit their current mentees and protégés. 
  • The value of understanding and leveraging mentorship and sponsorship. 

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“It's helpful to get support from both a mentor and a sponsor at different points during one's career.” – Elisia Keown Share on X

“It’s a great way to give back to some of these generations in the workplace that are coming up and starting to lead and take on more responsibility.” – Elisia Keown Share on X

“It's also okay to offer this up to individuals. To talk to associates and to talk to individuals again, whether they are within your workplace or outside the workplace, it's okay to make an offer if you feel like you could add value… Share on X

Resources In Today’s Episode:

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