career transition

Ep 38: Transitioning Roles as a Senior Leader 

How do senior leaders navigate transitions with grace and confidence? In this episode, we dive into the art of transitioning roles, whether it’s leaving for new opportunities or preparing for significant changes within a current role. How do you reset and redefine your brand during transitions? Discover the importance of separating yourself from your job […]

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 Ep 34: 6 Networking Hurdles That Executives Encounter

Navigating the intricacies of networking can be particularly daunting for senior executives, who face a unique set of challenges in advancing their careers. While advice exists for junior professionals, there is a noticeable gap in guidance tailored to seasoned leaders. In this episode, I’ll explain the six common networking hurdles senior executives often encounter and

 Ep 34: 6 Networking Hurdles That Executives Encounter Read More »

Ep 26: Mastering Self-Leadership with Kara Gaisie

Today Kara Gaisie delves into the crucial art of self-management for leaders. Contrary to common belief, managing others pales in comparison to the challenges of managing oneself. In this episode, Kara explores the psychology behind our reluctance to embrace discomfort and the risks associated with neglecting self-management. Discover the power of understanding and addressing internal

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